Sunday, February 17, 2019

The Three Words

Image result for off white brand Minimalistic, transfer, security


Digital_Craft_HR4_web.jpg Parabolic, interlock, capsule

Auto Fabrica:

 Mercurial, hover, agency

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Step 2: post three images ...

My House: In Lego form

- This is a model of my home made out of Lego. Everything is to scale including the interior rooms. The model was made shortly after renovations to the house were completed in 2012. As the model was designed online, the instruction booklet that accompanied the pieces was out of order - meaning it was quite challenging to put together.

Related image
Attached is an image on the Panopticon institution designed by Jeremy Bentham. I discovered this building while studying George Orwell's 1984 during year 12. Whilst not a traditionally 'beautiful' piece of architecture, I find fascination in its effective design - a central tower allowing one guard to observe all the inmates, while the inmates cannot tell if they are being watched or not. The fact that the inmates cannot tell if they are being watched means that at all times they must behave as if they were.

Sydney Harbour - From Mrs Macquarie's Chair
- This is a long exposure image taken of Sydney harbour from Mrs Macquarie's chair. My mates and I enjoy photography, and I specifically enjoy photographing Sydney's buildings and structures.